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Design a bin which is space saving and compresses rubbish in a clean easy manor. 

(Images from top left) 1. Bag was attached to the outside of the bin lid 2. Rubbish was then added to the bin 3. Hatch was placed back on 4. Using my hand I started to press the lid within the inside of the bin, there was a lot of friction because the bin bag was inbetween the lid and the outside of the bin. 5. I had to use two hands to overcome the friction of the bag 6. Using the handle I tried to pull the lid back up but the bag was firmly wedged, eventually the lid came back up wh

Different sections of the lid

The locking mechanism so the lid can be lifted out of the bin after compression. The handle turns left to unlock and right to lock. The triad shape locks under the outer part of the lid.

There spring ball bearings are countersunk to the side of the lid, there are arrows to show where the clips sit on two of the sides and their are air holes to allow the air to escape from the bin bag during compression.

Bin bag in held around an internal rim, the outer lid clips over the rim and bag ensuring it is secure.

Compressing the rubbish within the bin

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